We help you to outsource or bulid new departments in south east asia.


Are you planning to outsource parts of your company? Especially for IT and customer service south east asia is a very attractive location.

Not only is the level of education in the IT sector very high in this part of the world. The people in many countries here are also very skilled in foreign languages, especially in english and some even in german. For example in the Philippines or in Malaysia english is the official language and the younger generation thereby speaks english in a very high quality and almost without any noticable accent.

And the best thing is, that the costs for employees and for running an office are just a small fraction of what it would cost in the western world. 


High education, great IT and language skills and low costs makes south east asia a very attractive location for outsourcing. We can help you to find the right location, employees, office equipment and everything else you need to start.


But also if you are planning to create a departement of your company in a country in south east asia to conquer a whole new market, we are happy to help you.


With our wide range of contacts we can find exactly what you need. Just contact us and let us know.